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529 plans offer benefits in all markets

A new school year will soon begin. And if you have young children, that means it’s one year closer to the day when they head off to college or some other post-secondary education or training. You might be preparing for that day with a 529 education savings plan — but should you be concerned if you need to start taking withdrawals to pay for education expenses when the financial markets are volatile?
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Can God use me?

Is there one person among us that has never done anything foolish? Have you never made an error in judgment? Is there one person who can honestly say there is nothing you regret? Anybody ever ridicule you or talk about you or maybe just flat out call you a fool or an idiot? Well, did you think they were accurate in their assumption? I have some awesome news! God knows we make mistakes and plenty of ‘em. Even though we fail, God still loves us! And He forgives us! And we need to learn to forgive others (no matter how stupid of a thing they do) just as I would desire to have others forgive me.

Tips for parents and kids to stay organized this back-to-school season

(StatePoint) The start of a new school year carries with it so much potential, particularly when students -- and their parents -- stay organized. Amid the backto- school chaos, use these tips and gear recommendations to help keep everyone on track, whether they are at school, at home or on-thego: Notes and Big Ideas

Rumble and Thunder are ready for back-to-school season

The Oklahoma City Thunder is rolling out the blue carpet to bring in the new school year. The Thunder is involved in a host of community back-to-school activities through an array of support including donating backpacks, Thunder entertainer appearances, and delivering snacks for backto- school event organizers. Schools can also now register and request booking for Thunder school resources including Thunder PE Takeovers, Rumble Rallies and the Rolling Thunder Book Bus presented by American Fidelity Assurance Company.

Teach kids kindness, gratitude with thank you notes

(StatePoint) Nearly 60% of Americans say they send thank you notes at least occasionally to show their appreciation for a gift or favor, according to a recent poll from While writing thank yous might seem time consuming, it’s actually a wonderful opportunity to teach children important life lessons such as kindness, gratitude and empathy.