Add eye exams to your back-to-school checklist

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Add eye exams to your back-to-school checklist

Thu, 08/10/2023 - 18:19
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As parents are making sure their students are ready to begin school in August, they should remember to get them in for a comprehensive eye exam with an optometrist.

According to the Oklahoma Association of Optometry, 80% of all learning is visual, and simple vision screenings (like the kind schools provide) may not detect some vision problems that can impact health and learning.

Common complaints from children who are experiencing problems with eyesight are difficulty reading for long periods of time, trouble seeing the board at school, or headaches or eyestrain when using electronic devices. These are signs that your child may need to see an optometrist.

A child’s vision can change frequently or unexpectedly which can lead to other issues in the classroom, behavioral, or attention problems.

Although most schools have simple vision screenings, they should not be used as your child’s only eye exam. A comprehensive eye exam will catch things that a simple vision screening won’t. Catching vision or other eye issues early can help your child succeed in the classroom. Eye exams should be part of any back-to-school routine, like immunizations, sports physicals, and buying school clothes and supplies.

Geiger Eye Care in Frederick and Altus is currently offering a back to school special where a student 18 or under who has been seen at Geiger Eye Care within the last six months, can get a second pair of glasses for only $50. This deal lasts until Aug. 31, 2023.

To schedule your students’ eye care appointments, call Geiger Eye Care in Frederick at 580-335-2020 or 580-482-1756 in Altus.